Monday, September 1, 2014

Well, Well, Well...If It Ain't September!

If you're an 8-5'er, I hope you're enjoying your day away from the office (It's Labor Day!). If you're a freelance professional, may you be able to carve out a little extra time to smell the coffee or go for a walk. And if you're both - working around the clock (like many of us are!) - may you find extra inspiration simply by being YOU. Currently, I'm transcribing my recent interview I had last weekend with a lovely fashion stylist. Yup - I'm feeling joy in my chosen path.

There's just something about the beginning of a new month that excites us! Something about a new month that offers us the chance to analyze our wardrobes and determine if our items are doing us justice. There's just something about having (what feels like) a do-over...

Surprise me, September! Let's see what you have in store. 

Photo Credit: 

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